Lietuvos monetu subtipai

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Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė thepanda0 » Pir Geg 11, 2009 11:19 pm

SarasM rašė:As about the 1997 and later coins. Yes, the font used on these coins was different. However, the thick font can only be found on 1997 coins. All of the rest coins are with thin font.

I'm glad to have found this forum :)

True, the font is thinner. But the font is the first detail getting worn out after few hundreds of hits of a stamp. So it is always hard to compare the font if you don't have UNC pieces ;)

I was thinking about the detail that will look good even in VF and even F condition. Just compare the hooves. All 10, 20 and 50 centai coins from 1997 have the flat hoof. It is just interesting to know if they used the same obverse for the whole 1997, or maybe it broke down and they used a different later on. I picked this detail, because it is REALLY visible and you can't discuss if the stamp is broken, or worn out.


The 'Russian' 2 centai comes for sure from a broken stamp, so we have to be VERY lucky to find her twin sisters ;) Especially that there are over 150 mln pieces of these coins in circulation.

Oh, by the way, have you ever studied annual reports from to find mintage figures? I found only a few of them... Maybe the English versions of reports are shorter?
Pranešimai: 4
Užsiregistravo: Pir Geg 11, 2009 8:24 pm

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė SarasM » Ant Geg 12, 2009 11:17 am

thepanda0 rašė:I was thinking about the detail that will look good even in VF and even F condition. Just compare the hooves. All 10, 20 and 50 centai coins from 1997 have the flat hoof. It is just interesting to know if they used the same obverse for the whole 1997, or maybe it broke down and they used a different later on. I picked this detail, because it is REALLY visible and you can't discuss if the stamp is broken, or worn out.

That's a clear difference!

thepanda0 rašė:The 'Russian' 2 centai comes for sure from a broken stamp, so we have to be VERY lucky to find her twin sisters ;) Especially that there are over 150 mln pieces of these coins in circulation.

Right. I keep on checking all my cents, but so far have not found a thing even close to that..

thepanda0 rašė:Oh, by the way, have you ever studied annual reports from to find mintage figures? I found only a few of them... Maybe the English versions of reports are shorter?

I've checked the Lithuanian annual reports and some books about Lithuanian coins. Unfortunately nothing about the mintages of these coins was in it.. Not sure where else to check.


1. 10 litu 1936 - a mare and a horse
2. 2 centai 1991 - thick leg and a thin leg
3. 10 centu 1997-2009 - 1997 thick font, 1998-2009 thin font
4. 20 centu 1997-2009 - 1997 thick font, 1998-2009 thin font
5. 50 centu 1997-2009 - 1997 thick font, 1998-2009 thin font
6. 1 litas 2001 - a big star and a small star

I have also seen a thinner 50 centu 1991, which might have been a fake coin or an error. However, I could not analyze it in detail as it was in my hands for a few minutes only.
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė thepanda0 » Ant Geg 12, 2009 2:33 pm

SarasM rašė:I've checked the Lithuanian annual reports and some books about Lithuanian coins. Unfortunately nothing about the mintages of these coins was in it.. Not sure where else to check.

Here is what I found in English:

Report 2002
page 93: "In 2002, 5 millions 1 centas coins, 15 million 1 Litas coins and 5 million 2 Litas coins were minted."

Report 2003 ... l_2003.pdf
Page 93 again: "In 2003, 30 million 1 centas coins and 5 million 2 centas coins were minted."

Report 2004 ... l_2004.pdf
Page 95: "During the year, 17 million 1 centas coins and 20 million 2 centas coins were minted."

Report 2005 ... l_2005.pdf
Page 61: "To satisfy the growing demand, 30 million pieces of 1 centas coins alone was minted in 2005, compared to 25 million one year ago."

Report 2006 ... l_2006.pdf
Page 61 again: "37 million pieces of 1 centas coin alone were issued in 2006, compared to 29.7 million pieces in 2005."

Report 2007 ... l_2007.pdf
Page 37/38: "[...] 43 million pieces of 1 centas coin alone were issued, compared to 37 million pieces in 2006.

That is a good beginning ;) Moreover, in all of the reports they are giving tables "the amount of coins in circulation on 31st of December listed by nominal"
With some mathematical skills, one can find approximate values. The point is that I was too lazy to go for it and I was hoping that someone had done it already ;)

How about we have a little fun and try to analyze the tables separately? :)
I'll let you know if my calculations are ready and we'll compare the results. Who knows, maybe we can get the mintage numbers right :idea:

I'm also corresponding with a very kind lady from Lietuvos Bankas. So far she said that all the numbers are secret ;) But I'm working on it ;)

SarasM rašė:I have also seen a thinner 50 centu 1991, which might have been a fake coin or an error. However, I could not analyze it in detail as it was in my hands for a few minutes only.

Having such an easy job of producing 5 litas 1991 in a garage, I don't think that someone tried with ten times cheaper coins :D I mean we can't exclude it, because maybe someone really produced it as a hobby, but I would expect that it's an error of Birmingham Mint. But how much thinner was it?
Pranešimai: 4
Užsiregistravo: Pir Geg 11, 2009 8:24 pm

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė SarasM » Ant Geg 12, 2009 3:54 pm

Yes, I've found the same information but that's it. Well, as you say it's a good beginning.

thepanda0 rašė:Having such an easy job of producing 5 litas 1991 in a garage, I don't think that someone tried with ten times cheaper coins :D I mean we can't exclude it, because maybe someone really produced it as a hobby, but I would expect that it's an error of Birmingham Mint. But how much thinner was it?

It was like 30% thinner than the usual one. The weight was just above 2 grams. Cannot remember exactly. I thought it could have been a fake coin. But come on.. What's the purpose of doing this.. As you already know, 5 litas coins were produced in large amounts at that time and I believe these were easier to make.. So I do not know..
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė thepanda0 » Tre Geg 20, 2009 7:37 pm

So, have you tried to analyse the tables?

I have got precious information from Lietuvos Bankas that the mintage figures were confidential until 2002. The 2008 mintage was still not announced and the missing values in the non-confidential period are:

2006 10 centu - 2 mln
2007 10 centu - 14 mln
2007 20 centu - 9 mln

The rest we have to figure out ;)
Pranešimai: 4
Užsiregistravo: Pir Geg 11, 2009 8:24 pm

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė SarasM » Sek Lie 19, 2009 3:40 pm

Radau dar viena subtipa!!
Siaip nustebau vakar grazos gaves 5 litus 2009, nes nezinojau, kad toks isvis isleistas i apyvarta. Na dziugu.. Grizes, zinoma, pradejau moneta lyginti su ankstesniais leidimais ir pastebejau aisku skirtuma ant monetos briaunos. Uzrasai ne tik, kad nesutampa, bet dar ir zymiai skiriasi ant briaunos esancios zvaizgdutes:


Ant 2009 metu monetos esanti zvaigzdute zymiai mazesne ir smailesniais krastais, nei ant 1998 metu monetos.

Ilgai netempes i nakti atsinesiau visus savo 5liciu resursus (apie 80 monetu) ir pradejau ziurinet briaunus. Radau keturis skirtingai atkaltu zvaigzdiu tipus:


1. 2009, maza sesiakampe zvaigzdute, smailus galai, vidurys pilnas
2. 1999, didele sesiakmpe zvaigzdute, smailus galai, vidurys pilnas
3. 1999, didele plona sesiakampe snaige, apvalinti galai, per viduri susikirtimo taskas
4. 1999, didele stora sesiakampe snaige, apvalinti galai, per viduri susikirtimo taskas

3 ir 4 manau galima buti laikyti kaip ir vienodu subtipu, nes tai tikriausiai yra prastai atkalta zvaizgde. Taciau, trys zvaigzdutes yra tikrai nepanasios viena i kita ir, manau, butu teisingai laikyti siais monetas skirtingais subtipais.. Gal kas turite dar kokiu? ;)
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė karatas » Šeš Lie 25, 2009 6:47 pm

saras is a crazy man :)
Pranešimai: 296
Užsiregistravo: Ket Spa 23, 2008 12:39 pm
Miestas: Kaunas/Garliava

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė gytis » Šeš Lie 25, 2009 8:31 pm

jus dar pradekit griovelius ant gurto skaiciuot ! manau kad tikrai rasit dar keleta subtipu :D
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Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė SarasM » Sek Lie 26, 2009 4:05 pm

gytis rašė:jus dar pradekit griovelius ant gurto skaiciuot ! manau kad tikrai rasit dar keleta subtipu :D

Deja, visi vienodi :( Jau patikrinau!
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole

Re: Apyvartiniu Lietuvos monetu subtipai

Standartinė SarasM » Ket Rgp 13, 2009 10:03 am

Dar vienas subtipas 5 litai 1999 metu (del kitu nezinau) su gaidziu ir be jo:
Jūs neturite teisės peržiūrėti failų, kurie yra prikabinti prie šio pranešimo.
Monetų parduotuvė
perkame ir parduodame monetas - 861287899
Vartotojo avataras
Pranešimai: 5153
Užsiregistravo: Tre Spa 01, 2008 8:26 pm
Miestas: Kaunas
Kolekcionuoju: Lietuvos banknotus, atvirukus su Marijampole


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